Monday, April 11, 2011

My Annual Check-Up Today....

My least favorite day of the year, by far....

I was dreading the weigh-in. It's been a while since I've stepped on a scale - several months. I had no idea what that number would be, but I knew that my pants have been feeling pretty tight lately and my thighs look like cottage cheese. 

So I stepped on the scale and the verdict was....253.4…..253.4????

It’s a pretty sad situation when you step on the scale, that disgusting number pops up, and you say, with relief, “I was expecting it to be higher!”. Well, I was expecting it to be higher, but that’s sick. Just sick.

Of course, I walked out of the doctor’s office, got in my car and stopped at McDonald’s for lunch. Sigh.

Why is it that if I want it or it tastes good, it’s bad for me?

Things have got to change….now. No more procrastinating. I don't know how, but that's no excuse to continue burying my head in the sand. It's time.